Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Ding ding ~ new year coming lol... again i am blogging 1 month later from the previous post. hahahaha i know my blog is quite isolate one no people really read, only some of my friends read.
I am very very lazy to upload photos.. lol ... and yea i am here to come and complain about projects again
got 7 project on hand now !
3d MAX modeling Flying dragon
Flash Game
Flash website
Director (Movie Sampler)
Adobe after effects project (coming soon)
Weee !!!! And right now my health is on alert mode, just when i need to sleep late and do my project =.=
Went for NS medical checkup first time, they told me my heartbeat too fast need to go retake in 2 weeks time. So after 2 weeks i went again, and the result was the same, heartbeat too fast. Then he told me i got a little high blood pressure, its the symtom of the start of high blood pressure already... then they ask me to go back in 1 months time again... then they will attatch a machine on my body, moniter my blood pressure for 24 hrs.. hiaz.. see i already got so much problem with my body already.. now its giving me high blood pressure...
Alamak i how old only... 19 years old and i got so many problem with my health .. not really Big problem, but all these problem Require me to watch what i eat... what i do.. sigh.. why my life so sarks man... i cant eat too much tibits... go movie kenot eat popcorn.. kenot really eat choc stuff as well... (although i got eat abit lol) now gonna get high blood pressure.. i cant eat too salty stuff... and the bad news is my dad and my uncle got diabetis (spell wrong but i am sure you all know what i mean)... so.. if i kena diabeties in the near future... i am reduced to eating food without any seasoning? . i am so gonna die man.. Argh... always me and me and me and me =.= as i grow older my life get worst.
i must have been a really really bad guy my previous life.. think i killed someone, then tear the body apart feed dog, take bone go boil bakut teh.. blood go do ruitual.. skin make snare drum.. hair make violin... what else? mmm maybe i didnt kill him.. considering my health problem is long term lifelong .... maybe i locked the person up and whip him or her like every day or something.
God loves to pick on me. i feel like a lab rat. i saw these baby hamster at AMk there.. new shop beside amk hub.. i feel so tempted to buy one home.. i never fail to smile when i look at them no matter how stressed up i am, lol.. looking at their innocent faces sleeping in all sorts of cute position makes my heart melt. i can literally hear echos of "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ,AWWWWWWWWWW" ringing in my head from every direction... maybe i shld get one... maybe i got high blood pressure cause my hamster is gone .. nothing for me to smile at everynite before i sleep....
6:12 AM